ADHD is one of a myriad of disabilities diagnosed to children at a young age. It can be the result of problems at birth, trauma, or other circumstantial issues. The effects of ADHD (and other cognitive diseases) include speech, attention, memory, and hearing, all elements fundamental to education and learning.
Some medical professionals who make diagnosis for ADHD conclude the learning levels decrease for individuals as they age, making it impossible for some to move past grade school from an education perspective. However, the truth is that music education strengthens the abilities that ADHD lessens. It all begins with listening.
Listening is the fundamental element in all of education. Training someone to listen and respond to what they hear impacts their ability to focus and concentrate. Listening is as essential to music education as the alphabet is to grammar school.
Music is like steroids for the brain. It builds and strengthens the areas of the brain responsible for reading, math, language, and problem solving (among others). Music lessons for those with ADHD have been proven to counter the negative effects associated with the disorder including self-esteem, concentration, memory, and impulse control.
Presenting a young person with an instrument and teaching them to play it might be the best medicine that can be prescribed to actually change the behavior, instead of over medication. We know where that road takes people.