8 Pieces Of Songs About Seeds

Songs About Seeds
Songs About Seeds

Seeds are a natural metaphor for achieving peaceful growth, thriving against expectation, rooting ourselves in opportunity and blossoming with beauty and strength

Our list of songs about seeds crosses the genres to cover it all, whether you’re sowing seeds for future generations, or looking back to the common ground that allowed each of us to grow into our separate selves.

Songs About Seeds

1. Sa-Roc – Wild Seeds

Sa-Roc’s hip-hop/rap track, Wild Seeds, is a powerful display of a seed’s natural strength. Sa-Roc details the seeds of her being – the foundational aspects of her which grow, entwine and blossom into her complex character, padded with racial history.

Sa-Roc stands out effortlessly from the crowd; her gorgeous maturity showcasing an acquired skill of poetic mastery which shines through every lyric; a magnificently learned talent unmatched by any younger, male rapper on the scene

Sa-Roc carries an absolute Goddess energy in her delivery, driven by the sheer internal power it takes for a flower to bloom miraculously between the hopeless concrete cracks.

2. Petite League – Raspberry Seeds

Petite League’s track Raspberry Seeds is a cute and quirky indie pop track, using its title lyric “Raspberry seeds stuck in your baby teeth,” to illustrate a story of a young dad trying to make his new family peaceful and perfect.

Raspberry Seeds reminisces on a baby’s first years, with multiple layers of metaphor woven in its concept;- the raspberry seeds symbolising a child’s sweet growth into their own little human, in turn inspiring the personal growth of the parents;

“Baby’s first steps, holding onto my two legs, and I was only 21, your mother was only 18, and I’m trying, trying harder than I’ve ever tried before.”

3. Tears For Fears – Sowing The Seeds Of Love

Tears For Fears’ 1989 single, Sowing The Seeds Of Love, describes the irrefutable need for world change, anchored with a rallying message of ‘sowing the seeds of love,’ illustrating the ideal of planting our motives in kindness to ensure lasting change which future generations can enjoy.

This track lays out political turmoil in true 80s-style rancour, its lyrics partly pessimistic whilst contrastingly highlighting outspoken community spirit as a means of enacting positive change;

“Food goes to waste, so nice to eat, so nice to taste, politician granny with your high ideals, have you no idea how the majority feels? … Feel the pain, talk about it, if you’re a worried man, then shout about it, open hearts, feel about it, open minds, think about it.”

4. Terry Reid – Seed Of Memory

This eclectic prog rock song by Terry Reid has a dark, distorted energy underlying its clear message. Seed Of Memory is anchored by an intoxicating, bluesy riff and highlighted by country rock details and captivating, retro layers of vocal harmonies.

At first glance, this track appears almost patriotic in its message, before making way for an open-ended meaning of ensuring peace is planted across every expanse desecrated by war.

Terry’s title lyric, “So let the winds of change that rearrange the country, let it also sow a seed of memory,” highlights the natural cycle of death giving way to new life, and whilst we clean the air of tragedy, mankind shouldn’t forget the events that formed him, instead using these lessons to learn and develop on a new path.

5. Kathy Mattea – Seeds

Kathy Mattea’s 1992 country track, Seeds, centres its light-bearing message of growth in a serene Christian setting. Her track displays how our human roots all lead back to the same spiritual source, no matter where upon Earth’s surface you blossomed;

“We’re all just seeds in God’s hands, we start the same, but where we land is sometimes fertile and sometimes sand … As I’m standing at a crossroads once again, I’m reminded we’re all the same when we begin, and in the end? We’re all just seeds in God’s hands.”

Like life itself, Kathy’s track captures polarity, detailing the good and the bad with a neutral approach to negativity, insightfully showing how strength and damnation lies in our very nature and often out of our control;

“Sometimes I stop on my way home and watch the children play, and I wonder if they wonder what they’ll be some day, some will dream a big dream and make it all come true, while others go on dreaming of things they’ll never do.”

6. Dotepna. – Cannabis Seeds

Dotepna.’s track, Cannabis Seeds, carries an addictive psychedelic pulse, its sparse, focused sound forming a minimalist bluesy backdrop for a plethora of mind-warping elements to colourfully unfold against.

With a fresh Rasta energy, Dotepna. mould their track to be stunningly clean, driven by intoxicating lyrical rhythms which circle like a haze of smoke, echoing with a captivatingly natural sound despite the track’s electronic foundations.

7. Aurora – The Seed

Aurora’s cinematic style of art pop is a sonic daydream away from the weary sounds of the modern age.

Her 2019 single, The Seed, is an epitomic track showcasing her conceptual style of musical art, crafted around the ancient Indian proverb, “When the last tree has been cut down, the last fish caught, the last river poisoned, only then will we realise we cannot eat money.”

Aurora mirrors the violent desecration of the natural Earth beautifully within her lyrics, metaphorising herself as a seed struggling to plant itself and thrive within destruction;

“Just like the seed, I don’t know where to go, through dirt and shadow, I grow, I’m reaching light through the struggle … Suffocate me so my tears can be rain I will water the ground where I stand, so the flowers can grow back again.”

8. I-Wayne – Life Seeds

I-Wayne’s reggae track, Life Seeds, harnesses the fresh, natural ambience, stripped back of all electronicism, portraying a message of healing the Earth from the terror of mankind.

His Patois lyrics expose the core of society’s issues, his tropical perspective demonstrating the far-reaching effect of destruction, and that true change and growth is a worldwide effort, “Dey wanna replace life wit graves and business places, wanna destroy life oasis, destroying di Earth where in life must I live.”

A sentiment of sowing seeds to ensure new life forms the undercurrent of I-Wayne’s track, harbouring a sound as bright as a blossoming garden, inspiring the hope for positivity and golden abundance for future generations.

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