Best Cello Rosins & Best Cello Rosin Brands
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In order for a cello to sound beautiful, you will need to use special rosin for the hairs of your bow. Rosin is an essential accessory for all those that play string instruments. So, if you are a cello player or intend to learn how to play the cello, you will need rosin in handy at all times.
The rosin will facilitate the friction between the strings of the instrument and hairs of the bow, allowing the instrument to produce beautiful sounds each time you play it. Without the rosin, a cello will never perform as expected. How to make sure you’re choosing the right rosin?
What are the Best Cello Rosins to Buy?
Well, it is definitely worth taking the time to do some research on this matter. As you are going to discover, there are several types of rosins for cello. Each has its own properties, so knowing how they can help will definitely make a difference when it comes to your cello performance.
In case you are just starting out, gradually learning the basic skills of playing the cello, you need to begin by making a difference between light and dark cello rosins. These two offer a different type of grip when playing your instrument. So, at first, you may not feel much, but as you develop your sensitivity, you will notice that one will provide a better grip than the other. Also, there is hard rosin and powdered rosin; and there is metallic and non-metallic rosin. As you can see, there are several features you need to have in mind when looking for the best cello rosin.
As a cello student, all you need for the moment is rosin that will be sufficiently sticky. Because you don’t have proper skills in maneuvering the bow over the cello’s strings, just yet, you need rosin that will improve your playing performances. Sticky rosin will make sure that the hairs of your bow will adhere to the surface of the strings so you can play the cello correctly.
In time, you will get the hang of how to use the bow, so you will get the chance to try different types of rosins. While you don’t have to invest in the most expensive type of rosin, you should avoid those that are very cheap. If you’re interested in acquiring proper cello playing skills, you need good quality cello rosins. Thus, it is worth taking a look at the list of rosins below and see which one appeals to you the most.
20 Best Cello Rosin Reviews and the Best Cello Rosin Brands
1) Jade L’Opera JADE Rosin for Violin, Viola, and Cello
For cello rosin made in France, we can say that this one has a more than accessible price. It has a smooth consistency but manages to offer an excellent grip. In case you are worried that the texture of the rosin might scratch the beautiful varnish of your instrument, it is worth knowing that this one will not present such risks.
It is a very soft type of rosin that is free of any impurities or particles that can accidentally scratch your cello. Besides being packed in a case, the rosin will also be wrapped in a piece of soft cloth, so it will be easier to preserve its integrity and smooth surface.
2) D’Addario Natural Rosin, Light
For those looking for rosins made entirely out of natural ingredients, D’Addario comes with a great proposal. This product is light rosin made exclusively out of natural ingredients. It is also worth mentioning that the rosin works best together with bows equipped with synthetic or horsehair.
Positioned in a case made out of plastic and featuring channels for a better grip, the rosin will be easy to use with one single hand. The soft texture of the product will ensure a great grip of the bow, so it won’t be difficult to play your cello well each time. Just like any other D’Addario products, this one is also made in the US, so you can be sure of its quality.
3) Pirastro Goldflex Rosin For Violin – Viola – Cello
For cello players that are picky when it comes to the rosins they use, Pirastro proposes a product that not just works great but also looks amazing. The rosin’s composition was improved with small gold flakes, which improves the grip offered to your bow. The manufacturer claims that the cello will produce bright and warm tones when the bow is covered with this rosin.
So, it may be worth making the effort to get this product. It comes wrapped in a protective cloth and with a box that can be used for storage and transportation. The best part is that you can use this rosin with all kinds of strings, so it doesn’t matter what kind of strings you have installed on your cello.
4) D’Addario Kaplan Premium Rosin with Case, Dark
D’Addario is another great brand when it comes to cello rosin. And we have to admit that this particular product has an amazing presentation. It comes in an elegant case that looks more like a jewelry case than a protective case for cello rosin. The case is small enough so you can handle the rosin with one single hand, meaning that you will be able to hold your bow with the other.
Made by Ladislav Kaplan, the rosin is supposed to offer an excellent grip and make your cello product beautiful sounds. If you are concerned about the quality of this product, you should know that all D’Addario rosins are made in the US and face rigid quality controls.
5) The Original Bernardel Rosin For Violin – Viola – Cello
Are you in search for a light to medium cello rosin? Well, in case you would like to enjoy great quality at the same time, this rosin provided by Bernardel could suit the needs of your cello. According to the manufacturer, this rosin is a genuine Bernardel product and it is made in France, according to the company’s tradition. The price tag is slightly higher, so we are tempted to believe that.
The rosin comes accompanied by a practical cloth and a pouch, so you can pack, store, and carry it in complete comfort and safety. Try to be balanced when applying the rosin on the hair of your bows and it will not produce too much dust while ensuring a great performance of your instrument.
6) The Original Hill Dark Rosin For Violin – Viola – Cello
Do you think that dark rosin works best for you? Then you should take a look at this product provided by Hill. While you are afraid that this may be a fake product, the manufacturer claims that this is the original cello rosin made by this brand. The truth is that the packaging method and the great grip this rosin provides show indeed care toward high quality.
You will receive the rosin wrapped in a soft velveteen cloth, which offers extra padding. This way, the risk to break or scratch the surface of the rosin are minimal. Hill is a rosin brand utilized by experienced cello players from all over the world, so it may be worth trying it out.
7) Sound harbor 2 Pack Rosin for Cello
If you would like to have smaller packs of cello rosin, instead of a large one, this option may very well suit you. The product is delivered in two small boxes, so you can have one in the case of your cello and one as a backup plan wherever you think you may need it.
The quality of the rosin is good, so you can expect low-dust production and great control of your bow when playing your instrument. The sounds made by your cello will be beautiful and there are high chances you will like the grip of the bow as well. In order to enjoy all these, all you have to do is pass the surface of the bow’s hairs over the rosin.
8) Kafko KVRWL Light Violin/Viola/Cello Rosin
This type of rosin is ideal for those that use bows with synthetic and natural hairs alike. It is light rosin, so it will easily adhere to the hairs of the bow. It comes packaged in a nice wooden box, which makes its use comfortable.
The wooden box allows you to grab onto it while you can use the other hand for putting rosin on the hairs of the bow. In case you are looking for light cello rosin, this product deserves being on your list due to the affordable price tag. If you decide to give it a chance, you may have a pleasant surprise, as it can offer a good level of quality.
9) Natural Rosin for Cello Low Dust Rosin for Bow
This particular rosin was made especially to suit the needs of instruments with metallic or synthetic strings. The product also comes in a practical box that makes its use convenient. All you have to do is pass the hairs of the bow over the surface of the rosin until the hairs are properly covered in rosin. The result is a cello that performs beautifully, with less noise and warm sounds.
Although you won’t see this detail mentioned on the package of the product, it is worth mentioning that this rosin is made by Pirastro. At the moment, the Pirastro brand is one of the biggest providers of strings in the world. So, you can be sure that you will get a good type of rosin for your cello.
10) Sherman Cello Rosin
This particular cello rosin is a rather popular choice among cello players for years already. Apparently, it is good quality rosin that is available at an accessible price. The wood holder is made to fit in your palm with ease, so using it will be an easy task whenever you need it.
The manufacturer claims that the product is economical, so a small amount of this rosin should suffice when it comes to making your cello play beautifully. The truth is that the price tag is indeed affordable. If you are looking for dark cello rosin, this option may be just what you need. Not to mention that the 2” holder will make the rosin easy to pack and carry.
11) Pirastro Oliv/Evah Rosin For Violin-Viola-Cello
In case you don’t mind investing a little more in cello rosin of a higher quality, this one made by Pirastro may just be what you need. Pirastro is a well-known brand when it comes to string instruments. So, you can expect the brand to deliver exceptional products. This will be, of course, reflected in the price tag of their products, but the satisfaction will be higher in this case.
Thus, considering that Pirastro is among the largest providers of strings in the world, you can be sure that the company knows what kind of rosin to provide as well. Offering a great grip, this olive-green rosin will be able to serve you well and make your instrument sound amazing each time.
12) Light Low Dust Rosin 2 Pack For Cello
Cello rosin is something that should never miss from your set of accessories as a cello player. So, having the chance to get two packs of rosin at once is definitely a good investment. This way, you will make sure that you’ll have a sufficient amount of rosin for a good while. How about this rosin’s quality?
The manufacturer claims that this rosin offers a good grip without producing too much dust, which is always a desirable aspect. You don’t want to inhale too much dust while playing your instrument. Providing a good viscosity level and coming at an affordable price tag, this rosin will allow you to enjoy a good grip of the bow on your cello.
13) Andrea Solo Cello Rosin Full Cake
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As soon as you will take a look at this cello rosin you will be able to tell that this is something special. It is true that the price tag is slightly higher, in comparison with the rest, but the quality is indeed outstanding. It was made with regard to the solo cello players, allowing them to glow during every performance.
If you want to make sure that your instrument will sound amazing each time, this rosin has what it takes to help you achieve this. No matter how much pressure you will put on your bow, the rosin will prevent sounds from cracking, for flawless performance each time. In other words, the cello will be sensitive and powerful at the same time, and you’ll enjoy a perfect degree of control.
14) Salchow Medium-Dark Rosin For Violin – Viola – Cello
This is cello rosin manufactured in the US and it is, according to the provider, made to suit professional cello players. But, in spite of this aspect, the price tag is rather affordable. So, if you want to make sure that the rosin you will use is capable of making your cello deliver a great performance, you could try this one out.
Of course, you need to decide whether dark rosin is what you’re looking for. It doesn’t matter if you enjoy playing classical music with your cello or you like fiddling more, as this rosin will behave very well in both cases. It comes wrapped in a velvet-like cloth, for improved safekeeping.
15) Kolstein Cello Rosin
According to the manufacturer, this rosin is recommended for cello players with respiratory issues. This is due to the fact that it produces a very small amount of dust. So, if you had rosins that produced loads of dust and you don’t like breathing it while playing your instrument, you should definitely try this product.
The grip is also excellent, which makes it an ideal choice for beginners. With its help, your bow won’t slide uncontrollably and you will be able to develop an improved cello performance. At the same time, it will make your cello respond rather fast, with minimum effort, so there are high chances you will enjoy this rosin.
16) Pirastro Cellisto Cello Rosin
Made especially for cellos, this rosin from Pirastro has all the chances to become your favorite type of rosin. The composition and aspect of the rosin are provided by the natural resins used for its making, together with several other selected ingredients. This way, the manufacturing company ensures an ideal quality and great response for your cello.
While it comes in a plastic holder, to make its use easy and convenient, the rosin is also wrapped in a soft cloth, as an additional protection method. This way, you will be able to enjoy rosin with a smooth surface at all times. The product is manufactured in Germany and you can be sure you’ll enjoy the quality that made Pirastro famous around the world.
17) Light 4 Pack for Cello Rosin
In case you want to have cello rosin that is easy to pack and carry around, this product can represent the ideal choice. The rosin comes as a set of 4 packs, each of them with its own protective case and small enough to fit inside a pocket. The viscosity of the resin is sufficiently high to offer a great grip of the bow.
At the same time, the production of dust is low. This rosin has a clear composition, which means that the level of impurities and dust is extremely low. It is suitable to be used together with metal and synthetic strings. Because it is a soft type of rosin, applying it and using the bow will become easy operations. Thus, it is a great option for beginners and students.
18) Sherman’s VP-01C Bow Rosin – Cello – Dark
This is the kind of cello rosin that will be recommended by teachers for those that are looking to acquire cello playing skills. The truth is that the price tag is accessible and the quality is more than fine, considering that it is a student-grade product. The rosin cake is also positioned in a wooden holder, which makes it easy to use.
The holder will be protected by a lid, so you will have no issues placing it in the pocket of your cello case. After all, you will need a piece of cello rosin no matter where you’ll take your instrument. Thus, if you are a cello student or beginner, this is one of the options you should have in mind.
19) Hidersine VP-036C Series VI Bow Rosin – Cello
You may have to pay a few extra dollars to enjoy the quality offered by this rosin, but you will not be disappointed by what it has to offer. Ideal for strings made out of steel, the cello will produce a velvety and rich tone each time you will use this rosin on your bow. The manufacturer of this rosin brags with the finesse of the ingredients and quality of the product.
So, if you want to make sure that you’ll use cello rosin that behaves well, this one can provide what you need. It comes packed in a box that is small enough to fit in your favorite cello bag. The box can also be closed, allowing you to keep the rosin properly protected.
20) Liebenzeller Larica Gold III, Cello Rosin Hard
We have to start by mentioning that this cello rosin is a metallic one. Made out of the resin of the larch tree, this rosin goes through a special treatment that adds various metals to its composition. Thus, when using on a cello, the produced tones will sound more alive and warmer. According to the manufacturer, the rosin allows it to offer a steady performance at all times.
Also, the dust produced by the resin is not significant, which reflects the quality of the product. With this cello rosin, your instrument should be able to produce round and balanced sounds. If metal rosin is what you’re looking for, this one is definitely a product you should take into consideration.
Choosing the Best Cello Rosins
Purchasing rosin for a cello may not seem like such a stringent matter. But, as you noticed in the description of all the products presented in the previous list, the rosin you choose to use can also influence the performance of your instrument. So, there are quite a few details to consider when looking to buy cello rosin.
Considering that you need to use rosin in order to play a cello right, this option is more important than you may think. Its consistency and structure will determine the kind of tones your cello will produce.
Also, there are rosins with a better grip than others. For beginners, rosin that is capable of providing a great grip is very important. Because you don’t have yet developed suitable skills for maneuvering the bow, rosin that will ensure a proper grip will make things easier. A good grip will mean that you will learn how to properly use a bow in a shorter period. Thus, yes, the rosin you choose can impact your learning process.
Of course, you will have to decide how much you are going to spend on cello rosin as well. Some are more affordable, while others may require a few extra bucks. Hopefully, the previous list will offer a wide range of options, so you can find the ideal rosin for your cello.