Learn Journalism Lesson Online
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Online journalism lessons have been helpful to many people who do not have the time to attend physical classes. The flexibility of the online journalism lessons makes it easy for busy people to learn and gain more journalism skills.
This is possible because the journalism lessons that you can find online are taught by professionals who are ready to reveal all the tricks and approaches that have helped them to excel as journalists.
Another advantage that has made more students prefer to take journalism lessons online is the diversity of lessons that are available to the students. It is possible to learn the different areas of journalism from highly trained professionals.
For example, the students interested in journalism lessons can take courses on investigative journalism and later decide to learn about reporting, because these lessons are all available. Subsequently, the student becomes well-versed as a journalist with different skill-sets.
The online journalism lessons that are featured in this post are presented as video lessons that can be streamed online from different parts of the world. This makes it convenient for all students to learn and achieve their dreams of becoming expert journalists. The lessons are interactive, and the students have a chance to share ideas with other colleagues online.
Here are the best websites to take journalism lessons online;
10 Websites to Learn Journalism Lesson Online Reviews
1) MasterClass in Journalism by Bob Woodward
The online learning program has been focused on teaching students all about investigative journalism. The online course features 24 lessons that have been presented as videos.
The lead instructor for this journalism course is Bob Woodward; Bob is the coordinator of a Yale Journalism Seminar, and a compelling teacher. He has created this online journalism course to feature theoretical studies and practical exercises.
These lessons are created to feature flexible learning structures that allow the students to learn through a self-paced approach, each journalism lesson lasts for an average time of 12 minutes. The online course is for all categories of students because it covers the fundamentals of investigative journalism and advanced topics.
The lessons start with an introduction to investigative journalism and how it has impacted the world today. Bob explains how there are no boundaries in investigative journalism because everything must be done to find and make the truth known publicly.
Other important areas of investigative journalism covered in the next lessons include an explanation of the guiding principles of investigative journalism, how to find the stories, and the best approach to in-depth reporting. Several public cases related to investigative journalism, such as the Watergate scandal and interviews with controversial public figures, are examined and critiqued.
The students are also guided on how to prepare for interviews, write stories and the best way to go about learning from mistakes. The online course is properly organised, and the website is user-friendly.
2) Udemy – Online Journalism Lessons
There are over one hundred lessons related to journalism on Udemy. This educational website provides a generalised learning platform that can be used by learners at all levels. The different journalism lessons have been categorised to help the students understand which level the course has been prepared for.
The tutors have indicated whether their lessons are for beginners, intermediate or advanced learners. However, there are many online journalism lessons on this site for learners at all levels.
The journalism lessons on Udemy have been created as videos, and each course features the number of lectures and the duration. This information will help learners to make better plans for the course. It is also easy to choose a course among the options because they have all been rated by past students on a scale of five stars.
Some of the topics covered by journalism courses on this site include how to become a journalist, finding the truth, the basics of starting as a mobile video journalist, a comprehensive guide to digital journalist, and the best approaches to starting interviews as a journalist.
There are so many, the creators of the journalism lessons featured on the site have been carefully assessed to ensure the courses they present will provide the value that the students need. The lessons can be streamed from all parts of the world, all the student needs is a mobile device or computer with internet connectivity.
3) Skillshare.com – Journalism Lessons Online
Skillshare is an educational platform where up to 50 journalism lessons have been featured. The website is easy to use because the search feature has been prominently placed for visibility, with the search feature; the user only needs to enter related keywords for a particular journalism course, and the results are displayed.
There are other search features that allow students to find journalism courses within a particular price range, duration, or learning level. However, there are courses for beginners, intermediate and advanced learners on the site.
The students can choose either premium or free journalism lessons. The free lessons are mostly introduction sessions that cover the fundamentals of journalism according to the topic of the lesson.
There are descriptions on each lesson to guide the students, it is possible to choose journalism lessons that have been taken by many other students or based on the duration of the course. The learning structure is self-paced so busy people can take any of the courses on this site.
There are online journalism lessons that cover topics and areas in journalism such as how to write stories for the News, publishing high-authority journalism reports, beginners guide to freelance journalism, creating documentary videos, and many more lessons. The video lessons are high-quality and can be streamed via the mobile app for Skillshare on iOS or Android.
4) Coursera – Journalism Lessons Online
This is a good educational platform for journalism lessons online, for students who would like to receive a certificate at the end of the course. The journalism lessons on this educational platform have been created in affiliation with known universities from all over the world. It is free to join Coursera, after creating a student profile; a search is done to find suitable journalism lessons online.
The search results for journalism lessons on Coursera show the university the course is affiliated with, the number of students who have taken the course, and the learning level, which can be beginner, intermediate or advanced. The journalism lessons have been rated by other students who have completed the course. The rating on each lesson makes it easy to know if the lesson has been helpful to other students.
The areas in Journalism covered on this site is vast, there are online lessons on how to report stories for the News, learning the right English for journalism, visualisation methods for data journalism, digital journalism, and so much more. The learning structure is self-paced, which makes it easy for busy or older adults to take the online courses too. The videos for lessons on this site are high-quality and have excellent audio.
5) EDX Educational Platform
The journalism lessons on this educational platform have been selected to cover the essential aspects of journalism. The students who take this course will have an interactive learning experience with the teachers who reveal the best methods of journalism. The homepage features a clear description of the journalism lessons and the value students who take the courses will get.
The learning approach on this site is self-paced, which encourages the students and start and finish the learning program. Beginners who are just starting their experience as journalists will find helpful lessons on this site. The learning program has been divided into short video lessons that make the learning experience better.
There is an introduction to online journalism; this lesson reveals all the students will learn as a journalist in training. Also, the students are taught about the different jobs in the field of journalism, and how to go about starting a career in journalism after completing the course.
The journalism lessons on this site are presented in affiliation with different universities that have been mentioned. And the journalism lessons have descriptions that indicate when the course will start and the syllabus for each journalism lesson.
6) Alison.com – Online Journalism Lessons
This is a free course on journalism for all students. The basic learning level is beginner, the journalism lessons start from the fundamentals of journalism, and progress to cover essential areas of the course.
The lessons are video tutorials that are presented with high-quality images and excellent audio. The learning schedule is self-paced, and the course lasts for about 14 hours in total.
The students who are interested in this journalism course will need to sign-up on the site and create a profile. This can be done with an existing email address or social media account. The course involves theoretical study and exercises that can be used for self-assessment at the end of each module.
The guided learning program features a meter that shows the students’ progress during the course. There is a feature on the site that allows the students to write study notes during the lesson. This feature makes it possible to note important points about the course.
At the end of this learning program, the students will be expected to understand the fundamentals of journalism, writing reports for the News, interview skills, and the different stages of an interview. The website has a good layout, and learning all about journalism is easy. At the end of the course, the students are awarded a certificate.
7) Futurelearn.com – Online Journalism Lessons
This is a comprehensive free course on the introduction to journalism for beginners. The course has been created in affiliation with The University of Strathclyde, in the UK. It is a self-paced journalism course that is presented as video lessons.
The video lessons have received good reviews from other students because of the high-quality images and clear audio. The journalism lessons can be streamed by students in different parts of the world.
The requirements for this online journalism lesson include a mobile device or laptop with an internet connection, and the students are expected to create the time to take the lessons.
The duration for the entire course has been indicated on the site, the students who participate in the learning program will go through a 6-week learning experience. The program has been done to allow the students to take lessons for duration of 4 hours every week. At the end of the course, a certificate is awarded to the students.
The lesson plan for this course follows a defined process that covers the essential topics in journalism. The six topics covered in this learning program are as follows; writing News, what makes a good news story, opinion writing, writing features, politics, and journalism. The learning program is interactive, and the students are offered offline materials that can be downloaded for further studies.
8) ICI Education – Journalism for Media and PR
This is a comprehensive online journalism course that can fast-track the career of beginners. The course covers the fundamentals of journalism and the advanced aspects of the subject. The learning program is flexible, which makes it suitable for busy people. The journalism lessons are presented as high-quality videos that have good audio.
The website is easy to use; there is a description of the course that explains the different course levels. Also, the students can participate in the correspondence learning from different parts of the world, via video streaming.
The online journalism course is for individuals and organisations can also enrol their staff to learn on the educational platform. The students will depend on their course notes to write the assessment test at the end of the course. Students who have completed this online journalism course will be expected to how to source for stories, write reports for News or press, and conduct interviews.
9) LSJ – Distant Learning Program for Journalism
This online journalism course has been organised by the London School of Journalism. It is a comprehensive course that will last for up to 9 months, there are 8 lessons and a number of practical exercises to help the students’ carry out self-assessment.
The journalism lessons cover all the essential aspects of the career. The students who take this course will learn how to improve their written and spoken English when handling projects that are related to business or the media.
The learning structure is self-paced, which is suitable for people who have full-time jobs. It is easy to start and complete the course; also, the payment plan for this online journalism course is flexible. The topics for lessons on this site cover areas such as digital journalism, freelance writing, travel writing, investigative, and reporting journalism.
The course syllabus features lessons that have been properly spread to cover the entire learning program. The students will be introduced to content creation and writing, presentation, and how to identify the audience. There is a lesson that teaches how to create content for News and another that is focused on legal knowledge regarding journalism. The tutors have been handpicked, and students can visit the site to make further inquiries.
10) Classcentral – Online Journalism Lessons
Class Central is a diversified educational platform that features up to 95 online journalism lessons. The students who take journalism lessons on this site can choose to participate in the courses that offer a certificate.
Each journalism lesson has been carefully created to feature information that can help the students make a good decision after understanding all about the course. The lessons that offer a certificate to students who complete the program are affiliated with universities from all over the world, which have been named by the course.
The learning schedule is flexible, which allows busy people to participate in the learning program to achieve their dreams of becoming journalists. For each online course on journalism, the syllabus has been presented; this is a display of the course and areas in journalism that have been covered.
Alternatively, some of the lessons feature a video trailer that explains the value of the course and what the students stand to gain after taking the course.
The journalism lessons on this site cover topics such as introduction to journalism, visualisation for data journalists, Breaking News reporting, investigative journalism, and so many other topics.
The website has a simple layout, and it is easy to navigate. The journalism lessons on this site have been rated on a scale of five stars to reveal which lessons have been most helpful to the students.
Choosing the Best Journalism Lesson Online
Following your passion has gotten so much easier with the internet. With various online learning platforms and training programs that have been developed as an avenue to foster a digital learning environment.
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