14 Websites to Learn Sailing Lessons Online (Free and Paid)



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As kids, we all have taken trips to the sea and ocean where our dad would sail the ship and boats. Whenever he would ask you to sail, the expressions and feelings would be blank but that doesn’t have to be the case because learning to sail isn’t as difficult as you had thought. Sailing is more than a hobby because it has gained its place in the Olympic sports as well.There are people who don’t understand the importance of sailing but if you learn the skill, it will bring a relaxing experience while building endurance and strength.

In addition, the sail trimming requires muscle strengthening and being in the sea air helps boost mood. In addition, you will be able to enhance the mental health and bring calm to the body and soul.

Learning to sail requires top-notch communication and concentration which means you will develop teamwork and sharp mind. The sailors will be able to communicate with crews and skipper in the appropriate boat language and with the need to imply some math and science, you will be able to read the clouds, and understand the weather patterns.

There are multiple health benefits adhered with sail learning such as enhancing the cardiovascular fitness and reduces the risks of heart illness and obesity. On one hand, the stress levels will reduce while the agility will enhance.

The concentration will top the charts and if you are now ready to ace the sea, we have added the online sailing lessons through which you will harness the wind from home’s comfort!Enter your text here...

14 Websites to Learn Sailing Lesson Online Reviews

1) Udemy

Udemy Learn Sailing Lessons Online

When it comes to learning to sail, the sail knowledge must be enhanced and through this knowledge, you will be able to improve the test scores if you intend on taking the seamanship tests. There are around 900 students enrolled in the course which means the results are pretty impressive.

The course has been designed by Howard Edson Sr. who is the master of his field.By taking this course, the students will start feeling confident in their knowledge about keelboat.

With this course, they will lay down the foundation for sailing terminologies and concepts which help you get in the waters. The students will be able to become knowledgeable and communicate with crew. In addition, the students will be able to sail faster though on-water learning.

The best part is that students will be able to gain deeper understanding of sailing topics. If you are a beginner and know nary terminologies, this is the perfect course to start with and there is no reading material if you were afraid of it. There are colorful illustrations in the course for creating an interactive learning experience.

There are four downloadable resources available and at the end, completion certificate is provided as well with lifetime access to the course.

2) Reed

reed learn sailing lessons online

There are many people who confine them to the land and they never of procuring the seas but with this course, we urge you to become better and sail around the sea because there is no better experience than this.

This is an online yet self-paced course through which students can learn sailing without sticking to the schedule from the comfort of their home.There are no prerequisites for any previous formal qualification as everybody is welcome to join the course.

By the end of the course, the students will be able to earn a completion certificate and for clearing out the doubts, the tutor is readily available.

When you sign up for the course, you will be access it from anywhere you like.Once you take this course, you will be able to learn how weather and navigation works and learn to stay safe in the sea. In these initial lessons, the students will learn introduction to cruising and then, learn about planning and preparation of sailing.

In addition, the students can learn to read the pilot charts, and cover the safety concerns.

3) RYA

rya learn sailing lessons online

There are many students who don’t keep on with the sailing lessons simply because they tend to be hard and difficult to understand. Well, we think that sailing should be fun and it should renovate engaging lessons.

So, with this platform, the students will be able to get their hands on step-by-step guides which are easy to follow for enhancing the learning.If you have internet connection, you can learn this course anytime you want from any corner of the world.

Through this platform, you can get your hands on multiple courses such as day skipper theory, seamanship theory, and essential navigation along with yacthmaster theory.

Through the day skipper theory, the students will learn about meteorology, chart work, and navigation.On the other hand, the yachtmaster theory course is for the experienced and if you want to get your hands coined with skills like sea anglers, navigation, and know your way around the divers and other sailors, the seamanship course will be the suitable option.

Last but not least, the students can get their hands on RYA VHF radio course to learn how to communicate when in the sea.

4) Offshore Sailing

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No one likes to sit around for years to learn sailing and they need a quick solution for learning to sail. So, if you want to learn sailing online, this platform will be your ultimate fit. The courses are available in comprehensive lessons and have been designed for the beginners.

With these courses, the students will be able to refresh and strengthen the concepts of sailing knowledge.With this course, the students can get their hands on animated diagrams as it helped in learning to sail in the most effective and engaging way possible.

In addition, there are video lessons to help focus on the details and in addition, there are quizzes along with the lessons to track the progress and performance.

This online course is designed over the duration of four hours.In addition, if the students get to finish the exam, they will be able to earn the completion certification.

There is ready material in the course to accelerate the learning experience. With the course, the students will be able to hone rigging, sails, nautical terminologies. Even more, the students will learn tacking, jibing, points of sailing, finding the wind directions, and understand the lift and wind pressure.

5) ASA

asa learn sailing lessons online

If you are ready to take your first sail and are ready for it, this platform is offering the short yet fun online course for enhancing the learning experience. This is an online course which has been designed for people who have never sailed but want to take the start because this course will be able to provide the headstart that you need.

Once you sign up for the course, you will be able to understand the fundamentals of sailboat working and even more, you will be able to understand the basic terminologies.

In addition, the students will learn the steering commands and you will eventually start loving the sea and in no time, you will be able to participate in sailing with full confidence and zero hesitation.

The best thing is that this course is available in the duration of around 45 minutes and this is a fully-integrated course. The course is contained and there is no need to get your hands on external material as everything is already available.

In addition, there are sailing app available and video lessons to provide additional tips.

6) Seattle Diving Services

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Whenever someone is in the sea, there is always some time when you witness the storm and if you are not knowledgeable about the situation, you will be devastated. So, to make sure that you have everything that you need to know about sailing, this platform is offering multiple courses.

There is a storm tactic sailing course which can be completed in four hours and you will be able to hone information about storm tactics.There are weather sailing courses and through such courses, the students will be able to understand the weather in the sea.

There are online tests available to test the knowledge and experience. The students will be able to learn the catamaran sailing through this course.

With this course, the students will be able to learn how to aboard the catamaran and maneuvering it.The students will be able to moor, anchor, and dock the catamaran under power while understanding the effective use of spring lines. The students will be able to learn how to tackle it and gybing it like a pro.

By the end of the course, you will be able to reef and under sail.

7) NauticEd

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When in sea, understanding the weather is highly integral because with inadequate information about the weather, you cannot put foot in the water. On this platform, you will be able to understand the weather and communicating with crew.

With this course, you will become the qualified crew member and you will be able to contribute as crew member on 30ft to 50ft sailboat.This course is designed over seven hours and you will be able to learn through the self-pacing structure.

There are review sessions to strengthen the information and there are online tests for checking the progress. At the end of the course, you will be able to earn the completion certificate.

The course will share information about weather and sea conditions.With this course, the students will be able to learn rigging, mechanical an electrical systems and also, you will be able to understand the rules of nautical road. The students will be able to learn sailing, how to maneuver in the marina while honing your hands at communication. Also, the students will be introduced to navigation.

Last but not least, you will learn about mooring and anchoring while learning how to handle the emergencies.

8) Urban Truant

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There are multiple courses available for learning to sail online but if you are looking for an integrated option with built-in courses, this is the perfect option out there. There are multiple topics available to learn and they are all compact and engaging to make sure they don’t overwhelm the new students and beginners in sailing.

The best thing about this course is its ability to help students pick up from where they left off.There are auto-marked modules through which students can keep a toll on their understanding.

There are instructors available on the platform as students can ask their questions from them and clear their doubts. Once you sign up for the course, the students will be able to get their hands on shore-based notes, paper charts, and training material for enhancing the learning experience.

When it comes down to the day skipper theory, the students can learn navigation and seamanship skills. In addition, the students will be able to gain information about foreign destinations and tranquil anchorages. There are dividers and plotters in the course and there are exams options available.

The course access is for months to make sure you are able to revise the concept.

9) eNautical

enautical learn sailing lessons online

Whenever you are learning about sailing, there are multiple options available and this platform is one of the best platforms available. This online course is available for students who want to refresh their information about sailing.

The course is available in simple and easy configuration and all the instructions are very easy to learn and follow.The students will be able to get their hands on 40 minutes video lessons and they will be able to take the online exams for checking the progress and performance.

The students will be able to learn why right of way is called stand on. This is because sailing terminologies are essential and students will be able to learn about the vessels.In addition, the students will be able to differentiate between sailboats and driven vessels.

The students will learn how and when to give way to other sailboat and the learning is real-time through illustrations. There is a skipper course available through which students will be able to learn auxiliary power, weather condition, rigging, rules of the sea, electrical systems, and returning and departure.

10) Storer Boat Plans

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There are people who want to learn about the sailing and want to take the fresh start with sailing. So, if you are one those people, this online course platform is the perfect option.

There are hundreds of video lessons available on the platform and there are new videos available with every week. By the end of the course, you will be able to put your sailboat in the right place.

The students will be able to learn the nautical terminologies which are useful when in the sea and the handling techniques will be enhanced through which students can learn about new techniques.

In addition, the students will be able to work on control and safety which is essential for harnessing the wind.The students will be able to learn about the fundamentals, tillers, and how to sail. In addition, the students will be able to learn how to pull and release in a right way.

There are maneuvering lessons available along with gybe techniques. By the end of the course, the students will be able to learn upward sailing and how to sail in gusty conditions.

11) Learn2Sail

learn2sail learn sailing lessons online

There are people who want to learn about the sailing and want to take the fresh start with sailing. So, if you are one those people, this online course platform is the perfect option.

There are hundreds of video lessons available on the platform and there are new videos available with every week. By the end of the course, you will be able to put your sailboat in the right place.

The students will be able to learn the nautical terminologies which are useful when in the sea and the handling techniques will be enhanced through which students can learn about new techniques.

In addition, the students will be able to work on control and safety which is essential for harnessing the wind.The students will be able to learn about the fundamentals, tillers, and how to sail. In addition, the students will be able to learn how to pull and release in a right way.

There are maneuvering lessons available along with gybe techniques. By the end of the course, the students will be able to learn upward sailing and how to sail in gusty conditions.

12) Sailing For Blondes

sailingforblondes learn sailing lessons online

Well, this might be the platform for women with blonde hair who want to learn sailing as there are simulator books available on the platform. The training course is pretty diverse and unique.

This platform was designed with online course, patent pending simulator, and the books for enhancing the learning experience when it comes to sailing.There is hands-on learning experience with this course and the instructor is Joyce Matlock who is the creator as well.

There is a simulator book method through which students can learn the course and in addition, there are PowerPoint presentations to pay attention to details. The learning will be effective an efficient and everything combined offers an integrated learning experience.

This course has been designed for individuals with beginner and intermediate skills for sailing. The course material is focused on teaching to sail and understand the simulator.

All in all, this course is perfect to provide value for the money. Overall, the learning experience will be convenient and you will be asked to practice and get the support for learning. So, just learn to tack, jibe, set the jib, and learn the angles like a pro!

13) Nav School

navschool learn sailing lessons online

With this platform, the students will be able to get their hands on video lessons and you will be able to learn the yacht and sailboats while trimming the sails. When it comes to sailing, the information about collision regulations, navigation, communication, and weather is integral because the well-integrated information puts on a right foot for coming to sea.

With this platform, you will be able to get your hands on the information through accessible and easy process because the lessons are designed according to the visuals and engaging factor.

The overall learning is promising, provides effective results, and fun. The courses are animated because they have eliminated the boring presentations.

There are online instructors through which the learning experience can be better. The students can contact the instructor through phone, Skype and email.

So, if you want to learn about the basics of seamanship, chart work, position fixing, tides, electronic charts, and learn about the collision regulations.

14) Psycho Snail

psychosnail learn sailing lessons online

This might be the weird platform name but the podium is a fully-integrated option through which students will be able to learn how to sail. The students will be able to learn the theories and students will be able to get their hands on general theories and animations.

The students will be able to understand the parts of rigging and sailboat.With this course, the students will be able to see how sails work and how to trim the sails and provide directions.

In addition, the students will be able to understand the points of sail, out of irons, knots, lines, out of irons, docking, weather, anchoring, and weather. Even more, there are advanced sailing options such as triangular course, reef, and depower.

Choosing the Best Sailing Lesson Online

Harnessing the winds might be your dream after you have watched the famous movie and that’s possible with sailing. Through this article, we have added multiple course options to learn sailing online without taking a bunger on schedule and bank.

So, make some time out of your schedule and have fun with these courses!

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