15 Websites To Learn Thinking And Communication Lessons Online (Free And Paid)

Learn Thinking And Communication Lessons Online

Learn Thinking And Communication Lessons Online

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The online thinking and communication lessons give people from all over the world an opportunity to learn from scholars and professionals who have excelled in the subject area.

The lessons are presented as video files, and the courses have been organised in a format that follows a proper learning structure. During the online lessons, the students who participate fully can have a learning experience that is similar to what they could have had in a formal educational setting.

The learning structure for online courses on thinking and communication has also been developed to offer the students a flexible way to learn and understand the basic concepts.

The professors and tutors who organise these online lessons add practical exercises that give the students an opportunity to use the theoretical knowledge they have gained.

The online lessons on thinking and communication have been organised as flexible learning programs that can be taken by students in any part of the world. There are no strict time frames for taking lessons or executing exercises.

In general, all the students need to participate is a laptop, internet connectivity, and a notepad. Many of the courses also provide an opportunity for the students to take the course to interact directly with the tutor and other students to learn more and exchange knowledge.

The following websites offer courses on Thinking and Communication online;

15 Websites To Learn Thinking And Communication Lessons Online Review

1) MasterClass

Masterclass Learn Thinking And Communication Lessons Online

Thirteen online lessons have been organised to form this course on scientific thinking and communication. The online lessons have been put together by Neil Degrasse Tyson.

He is an astrophysicist who has gained a global reputation, including the privilege of being an Emmy nomination host. The lessons in this course last for about 12 minutes each, and they have been simplified to encourage the students who start the course to continue and finish.

The course starts with a lesson that reveals the need for scientific thinking and communication skills. The students are guided on how to approach objective truths while understanding the underlying concepts behind each subject.

There is a lesson that covers the subject of being a sceptic, how to ask the right questions, and the best ways to study received data. Also, subjects such as cognitive and cultural bias have been covered in the course.

The tutor, Neil Tyson discusses the common cognitive biases students may have and how to handle the situation. Regarding cultural bias, the students are taught how to recognise the signs and avoid the thought processes if possible.

The basic communication tactics have been revealed in this course, and the participating student learns how to incite curiosity among their audience, during a communication session.

The lessons are presented as video files that have excellent visual quality and good audio. The course and learning program is compatible with different electronic devices, which makes it possible for the students to stream the video lessons when they are ready to take the course.

2) Udemy

Udemy Learn Thinking And Communication Lessons Online

There are thousands of courses on thinking and communication on this website. The lessons have been prepared by different professionals and scholars in the field of critical thinking and communication.

The courses have been comprehensively labelled, which makes it easy for the students to identify a course that will be a good match to meet their needs. The duration of the lessons in each course varies; it mostly depends on the scope of the course.

However, the tutors have written estimated time duration for each course. This is good information because it can help the students taking the course to make adequate plans to start and complete the learning program.

The courses have been rated by past students, on a scale of five stars. This rating makes it easy for the new students, who are searching for a course on thinking and communication, to make a better selection, which is mostly a course with a high rating.

The number of lessons in each course has been indicated, and the learners’ level has also been written in the course description label. This information makes it easy for beginners or intermediate learners to find a suitable course among the collection.

The lessons are mostly pre-recorded video lessons that have a good image and audio quality. The tutors also provide an opportunity for the students to interact with them directly during the course.

There are lessons that cover areas such as business communication, creativity and communication, communication skills and techniques, and the best approaches to communication for project management, among other essential communication courses.

3) EDX

EDX Learn Thinking And Communication Lessons Online

EDX has sought and secured licences from different countries to ensure that students living in different parts of the world can take this course on Thinking and Communication.

The course is created as part of an open online learning platform that allows students from other countries to learn remotely.

The course is presented in The English language, and it offers a scalable learning opportunity that can help more students gain excellent communication skills that have diverse applications.

At the end of the course, each student who successfully completes the learning program is offered a certificate as proof that they have completed the course.

The certificates also improve their resumes when searching for jobs.The duration of this course is 6 weeks; however, the lessons have been arranged to allow the students conveniently to take the course.

The lessons last for about 10 hours per week, depending on the topic that is covered. The learning level for this course is stated as Intermediate, this is boldly indicated on the course description to act as a guide for students searching online for a course on Thinking and Communication.

During this course, some important topics on the subject have been covered; they include learning about the different techniques for visualisation, the best approach to idealisation in view of deriving solutions to problems, how to choose the best visualisation technique, and the best ways to use graphics to enhance communication with an audience.

The lessons are featured as high-quality videos.

4) SkillShare

Skillshare Learn Thinking And Communication Lessons Online

The thinking and communication lessons have been created by scholars and graduates from universities who have attained an educational level high enough to impart their knowledge on others.

The lessons are videos that have been recorded with excellent visuals and good audio.

The learning structure used in creating the courses has been designed to follow the guidelines on the website, which makes it easy for the students to take the course to comprehend the topics being taught.

Each thinking and communication course on this website has been comprehensively described with short paragraphs that reveal the most valuable features of the course and what the students will be learning during the program.

The duration for each course has been indicated and the number of students who have completed the course can be seen on the description page.

The search feature allows students who need to take a course on thinking and communication to find free or premium courses that have been created to match their learning level.

There are courses that cover topics such as Assertive thinking, Communication skills, Thinking in the German Language, how to use a thinking kit, How to ask the right questions, and creative thinking strategies for Brand identity development.

All the courses on this site offer the students a flexible learning structure that is convenient and easy.

5) TeacherAcademy

Teacheracademy Learn Thinking And Communication Lessons Online

The learning concept in this course has been created by Susan Gagliano. The course has been created for the following categories of people; teachers, trainers, and professionals in charge of schools.

The aim of the course is to help the participants gain more knowledge and insight into thinking and communication with a view of applying the best concepts in different situations.

The students who take this course are expected to have a better understanding of the creative process related to thinking and communication.

The students will also participate in exercises that aim to help them enhance critical thinking skills, avoid the clutter of information we encounter in these times, and how to explore collaborative opportunities to become better at communication with a team or other professionals in their field of expertise.

The four main angles covered in this course are communication, collaboration, critical thinking, and creativity. Each lesson will last for about three hours, and at the end of the course, the students who successfully complete the learning program will be awarded a certificate.

On the site, a full schedule of the course program has been published to help potential students who need the course to make adequate plans to attend lessons online.

The video lessons are of high quality, and the entire learning program is flexible to accommodate the needs of busy students who need to start and complete the course without any problems.

6) Iversity

Iversity Learn Thinking And Communication Lessons Online

Presented in the English language, this is a free course that explores how best critical thinking and communication can be applied to solve common day problems. 

The course has been created by Radu Atanasiu; he is a lecturer at the Maastricht School of Management in Romania. The mains focus of this online course is to help the students understand the concepts of critical thinking for business growth.

The lessons teach about this concept, and also guide the students on how to apply their knowledge in practical situations.

The lessons that have been added to this course have been developed to involve argumentation, the mechanism of reasoning, and a wide range of practical exercises to enlighten the students taking the course.

The lessons are presented as online videos that can be streamed from any location globally.

In addition to understanding the structure of an argument, the students who take this course will be guided on how to apply the scientific knowledge behind inductive reasoning to improve their thought processes and communication skills.

The lessons also cover topics such as the use of emotion during communication, how to structure presentations and debates, understanding fallacies, irrationality, and cognitive bias.It is an interactive learning program designed to help all participants achieve their goals.

7) GIL

GIL Learn Thinking And Communication Lessons Online

For whole day students from all over the world who want to learn how to think and communicate better can take advantage of this online course. The learning program has been structured to meet the educational needs of intermediate students.

The main focus of the lessons in this course is teaching the students how to provide quick answers to questions, in any situation.To get started, the student will be required to enter the unique course code displayed on the homepage, and then follow the instructions.

The course has been created with objectives that can help employees perform better as part of the corporate team in their workplace.

During the course, the students will get a better understanding of the need for good communication among their colleagues and with the employers at the company.

Also, the skills taught should promote proficiencies in domain areas, and the “Quick Model” is introduced and explained to the students. It is about learning and applying the best skills in responding to answers from top executives, which include queries about their jobs.

Employees in the private and public sectors can participate in this online course. The learning structure used during this program includes instructional videos, online exercises, discussion sessions, and experiential learning.

At the end of this course, all the students who successfully complete the learning program will be awarded certificates as proof that they have completed the course.

8) NorthWestern

Northwestern Learn Thinking And Communication Lessons Online

The homepage on this website lays out the course and all the featured lessons, which make it easy for visitors to study the educational value being offered.

It is an exclusive online course that can be taken by beginners and intermediate learners. The lessons in this online program aim to develop the students’ abilities to think critically and develop lasting solutions to different types of problems.

During this learning program, the students will get a chance to develop personalised human cantered designs to solve issues related to thinking and communication in the workplace and with superior managers.

Also, the course description indicates that the lessons learned from the course can help the students to develop an innate ability to become innovators at different levels.

There are lessons that provide a basic explanation of how the context of design can be used to develop and establish effective communication to achieve common goals.

The students are guided by the tutor to approach concepts by professionally considering multiple perspectives, understanding how to frame a design, and applying the appropriate prototype when idealising points of an identified subject.

There is a lesson that covers the area of developing the confidence to communicate ideas clearly, with design ideas that can be easily understood by the audience.

The scope of the lessons offers skills that can be extended to creating visual reports and other types of presentations to communicate more effectively.

The program schedule has been displayed on the homepage. The learning program offers a flexible syllabus for all students.

9) PWC

PWC Learn Thinking And Communication Lessons Online

Effective meetings are essential to help organisations achieve goals that are the target of this online course. The lessons are targeted at helping employees at all levels to develop better skills in critical thinking and communication to perform better at their jobs or business.

The course is organised by Janine Gould; she is also the founder of the academy.Registration is done online, before the course starts. The date is communicated to the students who have enough time to inform the organiser if there will be any changes or challenges on their part.

The lessons in this online course are targeted at helping all the participants to build better relationships in the workplace and establish a more effective communication channel to interact with clients, colleagues, and the senior executives at the company.

The course also covers an important topic, which is getting feedback and how to use the information gathered from feedback, as well as harnessing the power of positive feedback.

The students will also be guided on the professional steps to take when they need to have more impact during meetings, to influence or pass the message across clearly.

The exercises during this course are interesting and engaging. The tutor guides the students on how to use networking to their advantage.

There are also tips for introverts and extroverts who need to gain more control of their inner abilities to communicate more effectively. Students who complete the course are offered a digital certificate.

10) TrentUniversity

TrentUniversity Learn Thinking And Communication Lessons Online

This is an online degree program that reveals the importance of communication and critical thinking in different careers today.

In the description of this online course, the tutor outlines the importance of critical thinking skills in the corporate world today and how owning a certificate in that area can improve a candidate’s resume.

The lessons have been created to reflect different real-life situations where the students will need to make fast and impactful decisions in the workplace or while they run a business.

The practical lessons that have been added to the curriculum for this course reveal the different ways that the students can apply their knowledge in different ways for the mutual benefit of everyone involved.

The requirements needed to participate in this course include access to a computer and an internet connection. The students who have prior experience and exposure to communication and critical thinking lessons are also welcome to join the class.

The lessons last for only a few hours every week, and people who need to take the course can schedule flexible learning plans because of their busy schedules.

The learning experience is interactive; the students can ask questions and discuss common topics online to gain more insight. The exercises are to be individually executed; however, the tutor will inform the students how they can seek further assistance to complete the tests.

Degrees are awarded to all successful students at the end of the online learning program.

11) BondUniversity

Bonduniversity Learn Thinking And Communication Lessons Online

There are no requisites to start this online course on critical thinking and communication. It is an open learning program that can be taken by everyone. 

The course covers the essential topics that can help all students improve their skills and perform better as communicators and problem solvers.

The online lessons are presented as videos that feature the tutor explaining and discussing different topics related to critical thinking and communication.

On the homepage, a table shows the scheduled learning programs, when the courses will start, and the syllabus involved for each course. The learning structure has been simplified to make it convenient for busy people to start and complete the course without any issues.

The subject dates have also been carefully selected to make it easy for more students to take the online course.

At the end of this course, the students who fully participate will be expected to have the following skills and knowledge; understand the issues related to communication and critical thinking, as well as knowing how to apply the best solutions.

They will also know how to collect and organise information in a way that they have all the details needed to carry on effective communication with an audience.

The lessons also cover important topics such as the method of creating a comprehensive essay, clear and precise presentations in front of an audience, and how to carry on and evaluate logical arguments in different situations.


Oesna Learn Thinking And Communication Lessons Online

Three core areas related to the subject have been covered in this online course. These are the essential areas, which are as follows; communication, critical thinking, and restoration.

The training modules for this course have been developed to accommodate the needs of students at all learning levels. The registration process for this course is done online; there are different portals that can be used by the interested students if they run into issues while completing the registration process.

The course has been scheduled to last for a period of 3 days, during which the students will be guided on how they can apply the best critical thinking methods to solve common and complex issues that they may encounter in practical situations related to system operations.

By following the guidance of the tutor, the students who take this course will learn all about the different tasks and concepts that can help them improve basic skills that they use in the workplace every day.

The learning program is interactive; it is coordinated via video lessons that feature the tutor explaining different concepts related to critical thinking, communication, and restoration.

The exercises are intuitive, and there is an assessment at the end of the online course to determine which of the participants are eligible to receive certificates. This is one of the versatile public courses that are open to everyone.

13) CourseHorse

Coursehorse Learn Thinking And Communication Lessons Online

The focus of this educational website is on communication courses related to design thinking. There are 9 professional online courses on design thinking that are featured on this site.

Each course has been presented with a comprehensive description that reveals the value of the course and the category of students who can take the course.

A majority of the design thinking courses on this site have been created for intermediate learners who are interested in improving their skills to reach a professional level.

The courses also feature the topics that have been covered and other essential details such as the syllabus, and duration for the course, to help students understand the time investment in taking the course.

After the class ends, students can contact the tutor via email and other channels on social media, published on the site. There is also a cancellation policy that is fair to all the parties involved.

The students who take this course are encouraged to read and understand the cancellation policy to know their rights before the course starts.

14) UCSD

Ucsd Learn Thinking And Communication Lessons Online

The outcomes indicated for this course include the acquisition of essential communication skills and the ability to apply critical thinking methods to solve problems and grow businesses.

This is an open course for employees and graduates who are in between jobs. The certificate awarded at the end of this course will go a long way in improving the resume of the students who successfully complete the course.

There is a specific course outline that has been created for all the participants of the course. The outline covers the essential skills, concepts, and approaches that the students need to learn to perform better in different corporate capacities.

The lessons last for only a few hours, which makes it quite convenient for students who are very busy at their jobs.The lessons include subjects and topics such as cognitive bias, cultural bias, understanding the role of fallacies in critical thinking, networking, and relationship building in a corporate workplace.

The course is taught in the English language, and in addition to theoretical lessons, the students are given an opportunity to exchange ideas during group discussions.

Other interesting exercises that have been added to the syllabus to make the learning program more interactive include the unplanned speeches, and acting as the moderator for group discussions.

The students are also encouraged to apply their argumentative skills while communicating effectively. The learning program is flexible, and all aspects of the course have been documented to enable the students to know the scheduled lessons.

15) ClassCentral

Classcentral Learn Thinking And Communication Lessons Online

The courses on Thinking and Communication featured on this website have been arranged to feature different courses on the subject that have been created by professors from many universities and higher educational institutions.

This is a good educational platform for students who would like to learn more about thinking and communication from professors in different reputable universities.

The opportunity to learn the different creative concepts and communication strategies directly from professors at different universities makes this site a good choice for many students.

The requirements to get started are not complex; the students may only need a computer and internet connectivity. They will also need notepads to record important points during the course.

In addition to the theoretical lessons on thinking and communication, the tutors have enriched their courses with practical exercises to help the students improve their knowledge and skills.

For each course on thinking and communication featured on this site, the University that is affiliated with the course has been identified.

Also, each course is rated on a scale of five stars to give the potential students an idea of the course and how it has been helpful to other students.

Many of the lessons also offer a trailer to give the students an idea of the scope covered in the course and how the lessons have been presented. The duration for each course has also been featured to help students plan for the course.

On average, each student will need to spend 2 or 3 hours every week during the course.

Choosing The Best Thinking And Communication Lesson Online

Critical thinking and communication present a skilful mix of relational skills that can help students and employed professionals perform better in different capacities.

The courses on the subject have been created as diversified learning programs that offer students a wide range of possibilities to increase their knowledge. The exercises also provide a chance to test skills and have personal assessments, which is important to identify weaknesses and strengths.

The courses on thinking and communication have been created to ensure that all the students are carried along during the learning program because collaboration is an important aspect of the subject.

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