Learn Trumpet Lesson Online, Free and Paid Trumpet Courses
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Traditionally learning how to play a musical instrument may takes many hours sitting with an instructor in their studio one on one. For many that are still the much-preferred method, however, with more and more people being far too busy to devote hours a week to go to an instructors studio just is not possible.
Fortunately, the Internet is the perfect technology that has revolutionized the musical instrument industry for the better. You no longer have only one option when it comes to learning how to play the trumpet. You now can sit in the comfort of your own home and as long as you have a reliable Internet connection you can sit in your own chair and take online trumpet lessons.
There are a number of great options when it comes to finding a great online trumpet instructor. In this article, we put together a list of 9 online sites that offer online trumpet lessons that can easily be signed up for and accessed anywhere that you have a reliable Internet connection and a place to play your trumpet freely.
15 Websites to Learn Trumpet Lesson Online Reviews
1) Artistworks
David Bilger is one best trumpet players that offer a wide selection of trumpet lessons on video. Through the ArtistWork.com website, you choose David Bilger as your instructor for your trumpet lessons. His profile on the website includes a nice biography of his accomplishments as a professional trumpet player.
By becoming a member of ArtistWorks.com you will instantly have access to the whole library of David Bilger trumpet lessons on video. The hundreds of videos that are available feature a number of levels of experience from the very fundamental all the way to the most advanced. David teaches a number of different styles of the trumpet that he mastered as a student at Julliard and the University of Illinois.
The ArtistWork.com system offers paid members and students a unique feature called Video Exchange® Learning which allows you to submit a practice video of you playing and David Bilger will be able to watch your submission and offer a valuable critique and give feedback of your work.
The site offers three different membership levels that give you the choice of paying only for 3 months, 6 months and 12 months. If you pay for the 12 months you are saving approximately $12 per month off the 3-month level.
2) Udemy.com
Udemy.com is an online education website that offers a wide range of training courses that offer self-paced training courses on video. Udemy offers five different courses for learning how to play the trumpet. Each one has its own unique curriculum and is set up in a university style learning environment. You are able to select whichever one of the five courses that fit in with what you are looking for.
Each of the five different courses features a specific number of instructions (lectures) that are presented on video. As a paid student of the course, you will have access to all of the class videos and will be able to log in at any time of the day using a number of different devices that have Internet access.
The way udemy is set up you can look at each of the online courses and determine which one of the five fit in with your needs for learning how to play the trumpet online.
Whether you are picking up the trumpet for the very first time and looking to learn the fundamentals first or if you have been playing for a while and want some additional lessons. There is a class the is designed to teach advanced students and even one comprehensive course that covers all skill levels.
3) Etrumpetlessons.com
Etrumpetlessons.com is a website dedicated to offering anyone who is looking to learn how to play the trumpet that opportunity to have access to trumpet lessons online. The lessons are taught by Brett Manges who is a highly skilled trumpet player with a number of accomplishments to his name. The system that was set up at etrumpetlessons.com includes both a free level and paid level.
The free lesson level includes 5 different courses on video that cover numerous of beginning level instruction. This includes fundamentals of playing the trumpet, to more advanced techniques including how to use valve combinations in order to perform the initial five notes. It also includes tips on posture which can help you to improve the sound that comes out of the trumpet.
For the more advanced students and trumpet players with some amount of skill, the full trumpet lesson option is also available. The full paid package includes an extensive 15 lessons on video and is available to all paid members. The good thing about how the training system is set up you can purchase the full training package and it is set up to cover everything from an introduction to the trumpet all the way to the advanced level.
4) Trumpetlessonsonline.com
Trumpetlessonsonline.com is an online resource for people who are looking for a convenient way to learn how to play the trumpet without having to leave their home and drive to someone’s studio or home.
If you are looking for an easy, more convenient way to learn how to play the trumpet, but do not want to waste a lot of money. Trumpetlessonsonline.com was established by Bruce Chidester as a way to help others to get the level of teaching that everyone deserves.
Bruce Chidester realized that you have to make playing the trumpet fun in order to be able to successfully teach a person how to play the trumpet. The website contains 45+ lessons on video and is available for download to allow the paid students to have them directly onto their computer. The video style lesson plan gives the user the ability to learn at their own pace and it is perfect for this purpose.
The instructor, Bruce Chidester has amassed 6-decades worth of teaching knowledge and has taught tens of thousands of people just like you to play the trumpet. His teaching style is quite effective and he surely helps you get started and to be successful in no time.
5) Mysterytomastery.com
The mysterytomastery.com is a website established by the renowned brass and wind instrument player and instructor Greg Spence. As a master professional trumpet player and instructor of all instruments in a brass family of instruments with decades of experience playing all across the world, Bruce Spence was looking to help others learn how to play the trumpet well. He created a program called the Windworks Course, which is a training course for the trumpet.
The online training course is a comprehensive, fully online training course that is accessible 24-hours a day, seven days a week from anywhere you have reliable Internet access.
As long as you are able to pull out your trumpet to learn the lesson, it can be viewed on any type of device with an Internet browser. By signing up you will join the list of the many thousands of people all across the globe that have discovered the benefits of this trumpet training course.
It could not be easier to get started and learn how to play the trumpet from one best-known trumpeter. Greg Spence and Windworks is a phenomenal way to help you get started or help you discover what is keeping you from being a great trumpet player yourself.
6) Musicfitacademy.com
Musicfitacademy is a learning system developed by Estela Aragon and was created to help teach students that sign up for online lessons to learn how to master the trumpet.
Musicfitacademy’s online lessons are taught via Skype sessions and every person who signs up must already currently have a Skype account, have a reliable Internet access, webcam and headset with microphone. Since all lessons are done live via Skype, you have been sure to be available at the designated times.
All of the lessons are taught by Estela Aragon from Austin, Tx and she is an accomplished trumpet player with many years of both playing, performing and teaching experience under her belt. Musicfitacademy is a unique, out of the box style experience that Estela created in hopes to set her training system apart from all the others.
To get started with your online lessons you will need to decide which of the three lesson options you are comfortable with (30-min, 45-min or 60-min) and sign up for the membership based on that choice. You will have a number of different payment options to ensure that you are ready to start your lesson.
7) 8notes.com
8notes.com is an online music resource for musicians from all over the world. The website was established by the founder, music composer David Bruce in London, England. This online resource was designed to help beginners who are just picking up the trumpet for the first time. All of the lessons on the website are totally free and do not require any sign-up or special equipment to access them.
8notes offers several unique lessons designed especially for the trumpet and for the beginners. The lessons cover a variety of topics from the basics of reading sheet music to playing the instrument for the very first time. It also includes basic tips on how to use breath control in order to get the best sound results from your trumpet.
David Bruce is a very accomplished music composer and when he established 8notes, he realized that there will be plenty of people who could benefit from offering some lessons about playing the instrument as well.
The lessons are very basic and are obviously not designed for the more advanced trumpet players. The best part is that they are totally free and you will not need to have any special equipment.
8) Basicband
The website basicband.info is membership style website that lists thousands of training lessons based on the type of musical instruments that you are looking for.
When it comes to trumpet lessons that are listed on basicband there are several free video lessons that can be viewed directly on the website. This means that as long as you have a device that has a reliable Internet connection you will be able to access the training lessons.
The website was set up to be strictly a valuable free resource from a college music student creating it as an offshoot of their thesis paper for their college degree. This fits in perfectly for those people who find themselves wanting to learn how to play the trumpet but they are on a limited budget and cannot afford to spend a lot of money on expensive, one on one lessons at a local music studio.
Along with the training sessions on video, there are also several other videos resources which include “how to” videos for playing different songs and other experiences. It also features samples of world-renowned trumpet players playing certain songs.
9) Openstudionetwork.com
The website Openstudionetwork.com is a powerful online resource for the musical industry. The thing that makes it such a convenience is that for the most part teaching someone how to play a musical instrument usually requires one on one instruction in order to properly teach a person how to play a specific instrument.
Thanks to technology and the Internet there has a bit of shift in how people are learning new things. This is especially true these days with how people are learning how to play instruments like the trumpet.
The Openstudionetwork.com is a great resource in that you can find a high-quality professional instructor that is ready and willing to show you how to play. On the Openstudionetwork.com you set up an account that gives full access to 21 video lessons from well-known jazz trumpet player Sean Jones.
Each of the 21 video lessons also includes a number of powerful tools that are designed to make your learning experience more enjoyable and effective. The benefit of video lessons is that you are able to learn at your own pace and go back to previous video lessons if you feel that it is necessary.
10) Lessonface
The website lessonface.com is a great online resource for those individuals who are looking for an alternative method for learning how to play the trumpet on their own schedule. The Lessonface database is filled with thousands of professional tutors who have joined Lessonface in order to help other people get the enjoyment out of playing a musical instrument like the trumpet.
All of the people listed on the results pages under Trumpet lessons have been thoroughly vetted by the staff at Lessonface to ensure that there are no undesirable people on the site. The website provides a unique profile page for each of the instructors that are listed under trumpet lessons that provide a detailed biography.
In the bio, you can read about what their education and formal training with the trumpet, as well as their teaching style for the lessons that they offer.
They list the cost of the lessons and any special promotions that they might be running at the time you find the listing. If you feel comfortable with your decision you are able to directly book your lessons with the instructor of your choice. All of the lessons are one on one with the instructor and are not pre-recorded or videos lessons.
11) Takelessons
Takelessons.com is highly rated online resource for anyone who is looking for a competent teacher to help them learn how to play the trumpet. The powerful search tool helps to make it easy to scour its database for tutors that fit in with the specific search criteria. The result pages show profiles for each of the instructors that offer online trumpet lessons.
Each of the instructors has their own unique talents and special ways of teaching their students how to play the trumpet. Their education levels vary from high-quality music schools like Juilliard and other prestigious institutions and many have been teaching students for years. With all that experience it is not surprising that a website like takelessons would recruit them to be a part of their website.
The search function of the website is extremely powerful and uses several different search criteria in order to help you narrow down the best possible candidates for you to choose from.
The profile page includes a listing of how much they charge for each of their teaching sessions and also if they have any special promotions that they happen to be running at the specific time. Once you have found the right teacher you can book your lessons directly from their profile page.
12) Playwithapro
The playwithapro.com website is an online community of more than 10,000 musicians that offer their services to people who are wanting to learn how to play a musical instrument. The musicians come from places all over the world with varying degrees of musical experience and levels of education. They all have one thing in common and that is the desire to share their love of music with as many people as they can.
Each of the members of the Playwithapro community is registered members of the site and are listed in the database along with a detailed profile. The profile contains a lot of background information about each of the instructors and it lists their extensive experience with the instrument like the trumpet. The search functionality of the site helps you to narrow down the number of people that you have look through.
When you finally have a good list of trumpet instructors you can read the extensive profile page of each of them and see how much each and every lesson will end up costing you. Some of the instructors also have special promotions and deals that save you money if you buy a certain number of lessons or packages.
13) Musika Lessons
The musikalessons.com, discover the music in you, is a website designed to bring people together who want to learn how to play the trumpet with professionals from all across the globe who are looking to share their knowledge and experience.
Thanks to technology anyone can learn to play the trumpet with the help of an instructor halfway across the globe. All that is needed is an Internet connection, a Skype account, and your own trumpet.
Whether you are sitting at home with your desktop computer, webcam, and microphone or sitting on your patio with your smartphone and your trumpet, you can take your lesson for the day.
With Skype, you get the next best thing to a one on one live teaching session wherever you are. You can even record the session using one of the many recording programs available so that you can playback the session at another time.
One of the biggest benefits of musikalessons.com is that it is a considerably cheaper way to learn to play the trumpet as compared to traditional studio lessons with a teacher. Depending on the instructor you choose, you can get a really good deal. There is also an opportunity to get a free trial lesson and if it does not go well, it is totally free.
14) SuperProf
The website SuperProf.us is a membership site that once you sign up you have full access to the extensive database of private tutors who are ready to help work with you and teach you the right way to play the trumpet.
There are 169 private tutors, each with years and years of experience playing the trumpet and teaching other people how to play the trumpet. Thanks to technology, you can learn how to play the trumpet while sitting in your living room while your tutor is halfway across the world in London.
The database and search functionality features a unique profile for each of the registered tutors. The profile features a brief, but a well-detailed bio of each of the instructors. The information in the profile includes a listing of their amount of education, including those high profile music institutions such a Julliard and other prestigious musical universities.
Each of the 169 trumpet instructors each has a profile and on the profile page, you will find a unique biography that describes the extensive amount of teaching experience and education level. It also lists the price that you will pay per lesson to the instructor.
15) Tutorful
Tutorful is one of the greatest sites that can help you find a music teacher no matter where you are, and that is no different if you are trying to learn the trumpet. These teachers have been thoroughly vetted, and you can read through a multitude of reviews to help make your initial decisions.
You can even contact them to learn more about them, so that you can make an informed choice and pick the teacher that best matches your personality. There is no obligation, so you can learn the trumpet from multiple teachers until you find the best one.
The website makes it easy to search and browse through teachers, finding one that works best for your current skill levels and the things that you are trying to accomplish. If you are looking for a great trumpet teacher, this is the place to go.
The best part is that you don’t have to stick to any certain schedule – you can book your trumpet lessons as they are convenient to you. They can be taken online with no need to travel, saving you even more time and money. It really is the best new way to learn the wonderful instrument.
Choosing the Best Trumpet Lesson Online
The trumpet is a classic instrument that been around for centuries, with many people becoming famous throughout the years due to their playing. It may look like an easy instrument to pick up and play, but there are many nuances and things that make it far more challenging than you might expect. This is why it is so important to take your time when learning the trumpet and to find a great teacher that can help you understand everything you need to do to become a better player.
In the past, you would have to find a music school and from there hope that they had a good trumpet teacher. If there wasn’t one in your area, you basically had to teach yourself the instrument unless you wanted to drive hundreds of miles to find a lesson.
Thankfully, that is no longer the case today as the internet has made it exceptionally easy to find online lessons that can be taken from the comfort of your own home. If you live in a remote area but still want to become a master trumpet player, all you have to do is find a great teacher through the internet, and you can be up and playing in no time.
With the power of the internet, you can get live, real-time lessons that allow you to ask questions and get valuable feedback from your teacher. It is really a great way to address your flaws and improve your overall ability to play the trumpet.
Whether you are trying to play classical tunes from years ago or want to put a twist on modern songs, you’ll find exactly what you’re looking for when you take trumpet lessons online. It’s time to commit to becoming a better player and using the internet is one of the first steps to take.