6 Pieces Of Songs About Humility

Songs About Humility
Songs About Humility

Songs about humility are most often anchored in Christian messages. But while the acts of being humble, clean and subservient have obvious crossovers with Christian beliefs, not all music about humility showcases its religious themes in a way that puts off non-believers.

Our playlist of songs about humility covers it all, whether you’re striving to be more humble in your day-to-day life, or submitting yourself to a higher power during a recovery process.

Songs About Humility

1. Atlas – Humility

Atlas crafts his rap/hip-hop track, Humility, around an ominous atmosphere swelling with ambient horror, unleashing his downcast spin on the concept from the perspective of someone struggling to maintain their practice of humility.

Atlas focuses his lyrics on keeping the balance between humility and ego as a rap musician, seeking accomplishments as a way of finding peace over religion;

“It’s getting harder to practice humility, due time comes, popularity spikes, and I confuse my lungs ’cause the air in my life is too pure … And I’m done with inventing these ugly obscenities, replace the hate with hugs from the kid in me”

2. Sam Outlaw – Humility

This 2019 country track by Sam Outlaw captures a classic sound that could slide right into nearly any prior decade of his genre.

While Humility is rooted in Christian themes of turning to God in prayer for humility, Sam Outlaw’s message transcends its religious concepts entirely, crafting his descriptions of faltering and recognising personal weakness to be just as resonant and inspiring to a non-believer as to the most devout Christian.

Humility is composed from the perspective of a man struggling with addiction, accepting the faults in his character spawned by the neglect of his mind, body and soul;

“I’ve been drinking too much, I’ve been acting real tough, I’ve been making a fool of myself, but there’s no sin inside, that’s half as bad as my pride and the booze ain’t been great for my health.”

Underlying Outlaw’s message of alcoholism, addiction and recovery is a stunning example of the humility, strength and wisdom granted by God to the narrator through coming clean about his issues;

“Though I may falter, if I go to the altar, I won’t have to go to the bar … If you’re like me and always trying to be in control all the time, it might get so far, but when you finally fall, you won’t find salvation in wine.”

3. United Pursuit – Bed Of Humility

United Pursuit’s soft pop release, Bed Of Humility, is centred in a contemporary choir arrangement, crafting their lyrics around letting go of all you perceive as being burdensome to your instinctive freedom, whilst finding peace in God, “So lay here, daughter, rest here, son, in the bed of humility.”

United Pursuit tie together the contrast of humility and humiliation, drawing upon the damning effect of religious conversion (humiliation) in turn to finding peace with God (humility) through self-deprecating acts;

“Long past is the time to berate our own sons, and force them to what we believe, ’cause faith is long surrounding the one, who walked with humility. This path made of stones won’t give way to your pride, you crawl it on hands and knees, and the pain suffered colours the sky in a song of humility.”

4. June Murphy – Humility Song

This retro-inspired pop track by June Murphy threads a divine gospel energy within its soul/disco inspired soundscape, shaping a dance-worthy song crowned by an impassioned message.

Humility Song carries a surprisingly dark undertone, Murphy’s melodies resounding with an almost spooky ambience, yet driven by an immaculate sense of power accumulated beneath the light of God.

Humility Song is about striving to be humble and cleansing yourself of impurities in order to truly submit to a peaceful existence.

Murphy fashions her lyrics like a prayer of positive affirmations, creating a piece for anyone needing to keep soul-nourishing messages of personal development at the forefront of their mind;

“I must be reminded not to think too high of myself, I must be sober and diligent to put Christ and others before myself … I want my thoughts to line up with your word O God, to show that I am trusting in your wisdom, with grace and knowledge, I choose to grow.”

Setting upon the path to humility can mean a drastic change of lifestyle, however Humility Song harbours an outstanding sense of acceptance and trust in the face of disruption; “I must humble myself before you, surrender absolutely to you, submitting to your will, obeying, being still.”

5. Braille – Humility

Braille’s clear-headed hip-hop track, Humility, is set to an ambient acoustic guitar harmony overlayed with a distorted drum-machine beat, artfully summoning the feeling of being split between balancing materialism and spiritual enlightenment;

“I’m trying to find, that place of humility, deep down inside, I don’t want to lose what I have, we all want everything.”

Braille’s track illustrates the learned wisdom that comes with age, alongside the continual need to self-assess, recognising your strengths alongside your weaknesses;

“I’m not a teenager no more, I’m twenty four, I’ve walked through a lot of doors and face many more… I understand that no man is perfect and complete, I also know that God is strong when I am weak, so I stand on my feet, through victory and defeat… Searching this life for humility and peace.”

6. Twila Paris – Humility

Another rosy old-school track, Twila Paris’ Humility, is a prayer disguised as a pop song, devoting each and every verse to keeping a conversation with God in hope for the blessing of humility;

“Now I see, I was never meant to be such a slave to vanity, caught up in my pride, transparency, letting Your life shine through me, keeping my heart clear and clean, not a thing to hide.”

From her comforting harmony to her honest lyrics, Paris’ piece not only accepts the act of humility wholeheartedly, but actively practices it, as the narrator surrenders their power to their creator;

“Open up my life, let them look inside, open up my eyes, help me realise that all they need to see in me is Your humility.”

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