It was breathtaking and awesome as Gustavo Cabrera perfectly disseminated Jacob Gade’s soul-moving temperament “Jealousy Tango” in the performance below.
The Netherland-based Gustavo played the first theme of Jacob Gade’s Tango popularly known as “a temperamental theme in the D minor” supported by Robin El-Hage, a theme Gade said he was inspired to write after reading sensational crime passion news. In true fiery fashion, Gustave was dressed in a bright red shirt and the background also had a red color theme to add to the allure of the musical piece.
Gustavo plays the Tango with real vibrato, presenting a perfect performance of the original piece with the help of his pianist Robin who prepared a special piano arrangement for the piece. Visit Gustavo Cabrera’s website and Robin El-Hage’s website for more information about them.