5 Common Vox AD30VT Problems Troubleshooting

Vox AD30VT Problems
Vox AD30VT Problems

The market is replete with a number of amps that you can choose from. With the freedom of choice you have, you can pick any amp that best suits your needs. Vox is a popular amp manufacturer company that can get you the amp with the perfection of output, power, and looks.

Their AD30VT amp has been around for some time now. It has caught the attention of a number of well-known musicians, thanks to its amazing features and high functionality. However, just like any other equipment, it is not free of technical problems.

Vox AD30VT Problems

As great as it is, you have to deal with a bunch of issues that you might encounter while using it. In this article, we will address the problems associated with the Vox AD30VT amp one by one and find their effective solutions.

  1. Volume Diminishing

There is a rich possibility that you might have the feeling that the volume is diminishing out of nowhere on the Vox AD30VT amp. Your performance is going to be affected if you face any of such problems. Musicians definitely don’t want that. Volume is an important factor that is crucial for the working of the output.

The first thing that you need to check is the level of volume. Master volume is responsible for controlling all the volume aspects. So, make sure you set that straight. After you are done checking the master volume, inspect the cables. They must be in good condition.

If there is any damage to these cables, get them repaired. If the damage is too much, you will have to replace them altogether. It is always better to get your amp to a professional and have its thorough diagnosis and appropriate fix.

  1. Buzzing

When you analyze the buzzing of the amps, it is usually constant. However, that’s not the case with the AD30VT. The buzzing is usually between the playback, and it is very annoying. The major cause of this problem is the configuration issues in the control of the preferences.

amp knobs

Therefore, keep a check on all the preferences per genre. AD30VT comes with a very specific volume control module. That is why you need to set it right and solve the problem. There is another solution that requires you to unplug the guitar because it doesn’t seem to make any difference with the guitar.

It’s the guitar volume control that’s affecting it. The buzzing sound goes away and keeps coming after intervals. If you play with the power control around the back and put out the input, the buzzing continues even without the input. Set the middle base and master volume. The buzzing goes off if you turn it from the 70s amp to AC70.

If you go back to the 70s, the buzzing seems to have gone away. But if you play with the power on the back, it is there again. The volume is quite fluctuating even if you merely touch the wattage knob on the back. All you need to do is open up the amp and replace the tube. It will solve the buzzing problem.

  1. Crackling

The Vox AD30VT amp has another problem, crackling, that is quite unsettling for the users. This problem is common when the volume is too loud. The guitar fails to support a volume that high and results in crackling.

Male musician playing acoustic guitar on the amplifier

The support to a loud volume is minimal because AD30VT is a 30 Watts amp, and it is mainly designed for individual performances in cafes or studio recordings. As obvious, you can deal with the crackling issues by setting the volume level to a moderate level.

  1. Cutting Off Of Sound

It is likely that the sound might get cut off in the middle of the performance if you have turned the Vox all the way up. If you come across this problem, the first thing you need to check on is the plugging of the amp. It might have lost the connection. If the connection is alright, you need to check the settings.

Sometimes, there is a change in settings, even by accident. Users that complained about this problem mentioned that this issue wasn’t resolved despite them changing the guitar or cable. The reason is that the problem is not with the guitar or the cable. It is actually the speaker wire that can get loose and cause the cutting off of the sound.

Check for the speaker wire that goes starts from the terminal strip and reaches the coil. It might be broken or damaged. There is another scenario where the coil might have failed. In either of these situations, you need to find a replacement for the wire and the coil.

  1. No Sound

hand plugging jack to the amp

While using the Vox AD30VT, you might have the issue of no sound despite the amp cutting out. One time the sound could be gone, but it can come back after intervals with a hard strum. You might get the sound crackling back to life. It is also possible to get the sound like the slow turning up of the volume.

Most of the time, the sound is quiet and distorted, even on the clean channel. You can temporarily solve this problem by switching it off and doing the reset. But that’s not a reliable solution because the amp works fine for a while, and then it again starts tripping.

The plugging of the headphones into the phone pocket might restore the working of the amp, but as soon as you unplug the headphones, the sound crackles back to life. You can even hear the crackles again if you mess around picking strings and strumming. The swapping of guitars and cables cannot get you results.

Besides, there is no need to suspect the guitar and cables if they are properly plugged into the PC. The first thing that you need to get rid of is the dirt from the phone socket. Try to insert and remove the jack a couple of times. Use a switch cleaner to remove the dirt.

Female hand holding mini jack plug

Another possibility is that the connection to the speaker is disrupted. Check for the faulty sockets, joints, and plugs. There is another factor that might be the reason behind the strange distortion on your Vox. The loudspeaker terminal might have loose spade terminals. Get these spade terminals off the loudspeaker terminals.

Use a pair of pliers to give a light pinching to the terminals. Now, the terminals need to be pushed back onto the loudspeaker terminals. After this step, you are sure to give a significant improvement not only in terms of the tone but also in the overall sound of the amplifier.

3 thoughts on “5 Common Vox AD30VT Problems Troubleshooting”

  1. I had buzzing uneven sound going on, not static not hizz, even when no instrument plugged in.
    I took it apart there was dust on the print board blew it away with a airdust can, solved the problem, resently it went back, this time i just took the top plastic grilles of and blew air through there and problem solved, seems like the electronic on the print board is sensitive to dust.

  2. Good info, but changing the tube is almost impossible without complete disassembly. I finally got it done with patience and a shop- made tool that held the tube. Basically a modified riff on kitchen tongs, it held the tube aligned and vertical while my left hand fingertips worked it down into the socket. I’d say smaller hands or thin long fingers are necessary. It took me an hour or more to open it up, make the tool, fail several times and then get it back together.

  3. Amazing you put this out just a couple weeks ago. This is the only amp I’ve had and one of the reasons I just haven’t practiced guitar much in the last 8 years or so. I’m finally resolved to get this fixed. Cheers for the info!

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